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Susant Pattnaik
Susant Pattnaik
Available interviews:
Innovator Susant Pattnaik on how to impact your local community
Susant Pattnaik talks about how he wants to tackle local challenges and what the future will bring if a next generation starts innovating
Susant Pattnaik: Extra footage part 3
Susant Pattnaik visits his parental house where he talks about how he started out as an inventor. Also some extra footage of Bopal, India
Susant Pattnaik: Extra footage part 2
Susant Pattnaik talks about his invention to protect woman from rape attacks. He gives a tour through the FabLab in Bopal, India
Susant Pattnaik: Extra footage part 1
Susant Pattnaik brings a visit to his former school
More on Susant Pattnaik at Wikipedia
This is what Susant Pattnaik talks about:
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of The Mind of the Universe, made by Dutch public broadcaster VPRO
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