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Sara Seager
Sara Seager
Available interviews:
Sara Seager on finding exoplanets and life in the universe
Exoplanet hunter Sara Seager talks about her pioneering work in finding exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than the sun, her search for extraterrestrial life in the universe and the future of exoplanetary science.
Sara Seager: Extra footage 1
Exoplanet hunter Sara Seager talks about finding exoplanets while showing different videos and models of the universe in her office
Sara Seager: Extra footage 3
Sara Seager Explains how the exoplanet finding satelite works and gives a tour around the campus
Sara Seager: Extra footage 2
Exoplanet hunter Sara Seager goes stargazing with her family
More on Sara Seager at Wikipedia
This is what Sara Seager talks about:
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of The Mind of the Universe, made by Dutch public broadcaster VPRO
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